Connect Conference User Feedback site | vmware
Every year VMware AirWatch hosts the Connect conference, which brings together thousands of mobility enthusiasts, partners and customers to focus on the future of the digital workspace. It is the perfect opportunity for the UX team to engage with customers and gather valuable feedback. To take advantage of the Connect conference, the UX team decided to gather feedback through a website. This would allow attendees to provide responses at their leisure, whether at the conference or even when they returned home.
To get insight into my process on this project, check out these articles from the VMware 360 blog: The Avatar Experience & Custom Web Development in a Crunch article
.Role: Product Design, Research & Testing
Tools: Sketch & Zeplin
custom avatars
After narrowing in on how to gather feedback, we wanted to come up with a novel incentive for participants. The incentive needed to be something that could be delivered to the participants not just during the conference but afterward as well. We also wanted the participants to get something unique for their time and effort in providing feedback. So we decided to provide custom avatars that participants could then share and use in their work and online networks. To support this, a system would have to be created to ensure making avatars was efficient yet recognizable.
crafting the experience
With the avatar system in place, it was now time to focus the feedback experience and ensuring it was straightforward and easy to complete. I started by outlining the end-to-end process from site entry to the final submission of feedback, adding details in an iterative process while working with an engineer building the site and partnering with another designer to quickly test and refine the site experience.